Our Baby Boy #3- Arriving on July 2nd


Saturday, January 30, 2010

Our Trip to the New Grocery Store...Unforgettable

On Friday, the boys and I decided we would go to the new Kroger by our house to do a little food shopping and let Jack pick out his $5 Transformer toy that he earned for getting rid of many of his old toys in the playroom the other day. When I told him he had earned a little toy, he basically fell over in excitement because since Christmas, we have a new rule in our home that toys are for holidays and birthdays and the children do not get toys for no reason anymore because it became an obsession and was expected every trip we took to the store. Jack must have asked about 1000 times when we were leaving so he could pick out his new toy, which I explained that he was only allowed 1 toy that was no more than $5. He agreed and thanked me over and over again for this special occassion. So we were off...this was going to be great!! Jack was going to get a new toy and be thrilled that he was allowed one even though it was not his birthday yet and be thankful beyond belief and Nolie would be happier than a pig in poop because he could ride in the new car shopping carts that had a steering wheel that wasn't ripped out or broken yet and a tv as well inside with some kids shows.

Well things took a turn for the worse...

We start off at the toy aisle, where Jack is already going for the $30 toys and I continue to show him the few items that he can pick from. He finally decided he is going to take all 5 of the Transformers in the shopping cart and make an educated decision while we are food shopping. About 5 minutes into food shopping, he begins to harrass me about getting 2 instead of 1 and has a long explanation why they need to be purchased together. He goes on and on how they are brothers and cannot be seperated or else they will be sad like he would be if Nolie wasn't with him. Persuasive, yes but I was sticking to my guns on this one. Jack can convince anyone of anything but I needed to remember that I laid down the rules and he should be happy with 1 and understand that one is better than one. For the next 40 minutes, he is still asking for both no matter how many times I have told him not to bother asking me again because the answer is no. I explained being greedy and how he was taking advantage of the situation. At the same time this is all going on, Nolie is trying to escape from the locked doors of the car shopping cart. He is kicking the doors open, sticking his hand out a slot that is the size of half his fist and jiggling the handle so it will pop open. I decide food shopping is over and we begin to head to the register. I give Jack full warning to choose 1 or else we are not getting any. So who would have guessed, I get on the line that the cashier looks at me like he doesn't no where he is or what he is doing. The lady that was in front of me looks back at me with a face that clearly was saying, "Get off the line if you know what's best for you". Well of course I don't and I unload my shopping cart and get my coupons all ready...big mistake!! Jack now begins to flip out and begins crying because he can't decide and needs both. If anyone knows Jack, he is a loud talker and an even louder crier. I mean so loud that people from 7 registers away are looking to see if someone is being slaughtered because it is that disturbing of a cry. With a smile on my face, I bend down and talk to him and explain to him that it is a hard decision but he needs to remember how lucky he is to have earned the chance to get a toy and how many children would love to get one toy. Well the more I talk to him, the louder his cry becomes. At the same time, my cashier has begun ringing up things that I am not sure where he got some of the items. My $.84 asparagus was rung up as $4 avocadoes, 3 cookie mixes were rung up but I only had 1, my 1 onion was $3, not sure how?? Okay, so my patience is about done and I am beginning to sweat. Jack has now snuck both Transformers down the conveyor belt hoping that I am so distracted with Mr. Wonderful Cashier that I will not notice that he has ended up with 2. And Mr. Nolie, he has now figured out the whole door thing and is dangling out the door with the seatbelt around his legs and wiggling out onto the floor while ripping the bags off the counter. Jack is still flipping out and I tell him that he will not be getting any of the toys because of his behavior. I then go ahead and make the mistake of giving the cashier coupons. I should have known he has no idea how to enter coupons so he flips on the light for assistance. Is he serious??? My one kid is hanging out of the car with the seatbelt acting like a tourniquet and my other child is screaming crying so loud that I think he is hyperventilating and everyone in the store is starring at me because I have this shit-grin on my face like life was perfect at that moment. Well after the help comes for coupon assistance and to fix the 9 million mistakes, we are headed for the door. Jack now begins screaming, "I need my toy, I know which one I want, HELP!!" I tell him, "I'm sorry but you lost your privledge to get a toy so it is time now to leave". As I head to the door, he runs back down the aisle to get the toy and now I have lost it. I am loudly calling his name and telling him to get back here immediately or else he will loose marbles for this unacceptable behavior. He comes back and is literally uncontrollably sobbing and screaming crying. We begin walking to the car in the pouring rain and the whole walk to the car, I am explaining how upset and embarrassed I am of his behavior etc. By the time we get in the car, he is trying to get control of himself enough to say how sorry he is and he knows how wrong it was. To be honest, I was shell-shocked. We go to the grocery store almost every other day for something and my kiddos are great. THey are so used to going with me on all my errands and they really never have behavior issues, especially Jack. I was literally exhausted!! By the time I get home, I begin to unpack and what do I find, the poor lady before me on line's coldcuts. Obviously, my fabulous cashier forgot to give them to her and I now was the lucky recipient of about $25 worth of coldcuts. Normally I would have went back immediately and returned them but even if I knew that a reward of $1000 would be given to me, I do not think I could step foot back in that store that day!! So, does anyone want to go food shopping with me next week??? I promise it will be a great experience.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Boy or Girl??? We shall see...

On Friday, the boys and I went to my OB appt. to listen to our little angel's heartbeat and check to make sure all was safe and sound. Well, the 1st 2 minutes, I was about ready to pass out when the dr. kept going up and down my lower belly trying to find the heartbeat. It is always so scary when you are newly pregnant because you do not feel the baby moving so you just assume all is good in there. This is why I love these appt. because I feel so much better after I hear that swish-swish sound of a healthy beating heart. So the heartbeat was at 155 and if you believe in Old Wives Tales, fast heartbeat=girl. Would I like a girl, sure but would I love another boy, no question about it. If my angel is healthy then sex really doesn't matter to me. Both my boy's heartbeats were in the 120's so I guess we shall see....

February 12th will be the day to see who will be joining our family...boy or girl???

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Bye-Bye Naptime

So Jack is almost 5 years old and will be starting full-day kindergarten in August, which is quite a long day for the kiddos. Jack has always been an awesome sleeper and napper, so much so that he takes about a 2 1/2-3hr nap each day and never misses one. I am often referred to as the Nap Nazi because I am religious when it comes to schedules and bedtime. I could be in the middle of waiting on a checkout line at the store and if it looks like it might cause us to be a bit late for naptime, I will leave without my stuff. When I was pregnant with Jack, a friend swore by the book, Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child and it became my life saver and I constantly refer to it as my kiddos sleep schedule needs a change such as taking naptime away. The whole book is basically about how children need a sleep schedule and the importance of naptime and how it can actually affect the capacity to learn and the time the brain needs to grow.
So....in my book it began talking about taking away naptime at about the school age because children need to be prepared to go a whole day without a nap and if they are not slowly introduced to this, they will become cranky, irritable, frustrated because their body's are not used to a full-day without the nap in between. Also, without a nap, the child will go to bed earlier, fall asleep faster and be fully rested for an early morning wake up for school. Over the last few weeks, I would let him skip nap here and there and during that time when Nolie was napping, we would go relax in my bed for that time and watch tv. I did notice that at 7:30pm, he was cooked and when we put him to bed, he fell asleep instantly and did not wake again until 8-8:30am the next morning. So this week, I decided that it was that time to stick with it and get him used to no nap. I must say he is ready for it now, where as a few months ago, he was not. He is not having breakdowns from being so exhausted and truly does rest for those 2hrs. I must admit, it is nice that at 7:30pm, the boys are both in bed and it is Rob and I's time to chat, relax, watch tv and just wind down from the day. When Jack took the 3 hr. nap, we didn't put him to bed until about 9pm and he would be up for quite awhile in his room before falling asleep. It also left us no time to chill out before we went to sleep. My sweet boy does let mommy nap during relax time and rarely makes a peep because he says the baby in my belly needs quiet time. All in all, skipping naptime and making it quiet time isn't as hard of an adjustment as I thought it would be.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Year in Review

So 2009 has come to an end and like every year, you have the good and the bad memories that come along with a 12 month span. Overall, we had a very nice year but at the end of it we were ready to start clean. Now we are looking forward to see what 2010 has in store for us. Here is a quick trip down memory lane for 2009...

*Wonderful Christmas vacation in NY and we sure needed some good family time and time to be thankful. Jack was finally released out of the hospital after a week 2 days before we left for this trip. Without a doubt, the scariest, most helpless time in our lives. Seeing your child lay in a hospital bed getting worse instead of better was something I would not wish on my worst enemy. Thank goodness all my angels up above were listening to my endless prayers to watch over my sweet boy and let him recover and be home soon in my arms where he belongs.

*Rang in the New Year in NY
*My brother came to visit us
*Nolan came down with RSV

*Jack's 4th birthday
*My father came to visit us, which puts Jack on Cloud 9 everytime Pop is around.

*Jack's birthday surprise...Aunt Carrie, Isabelle and Stephen came to be at Jack's bday party. One year later, he still talks about the morning he woke up and there was a knock at the door and when he opened it up, there were his favorite cousins in Texas. The problem is, he thinks that every year there will be a knock at the door by his bday and they will appear. HINT, HINT Aunt Carrie. No pressure but do you really want to disappoint your nephew on his 5th birthday.
*Our 1st Easter at our house with friends and Rob's family

*Our trip to NY- fabulous as always!!

*Our 7th Wedding Anniversary- wow...how time flies!!

*Grandma and Pop arrive to help celebrate Nolan's 1st bday, which was so nice having both sides of the family here. Aunt Ellen and Uncle Rich also flew in from NY for the 1st time.
*Nolan turns 1
*My surprise trip (my parents had no idea) back to NY to stay with my sister and watch her kiddos. Now that was fun being the nanny everyday for 5 kiddos and watching them play every second of the day together.

*My 31st birthday

*Peanut's 12th birthday
*Halloween- Jack was a Jedi and Nolan was a scarecrow
*Baby-making #3 begins and who knew...this would be the lucky time!!

*Found out Baby Fitz #3 is on his/her way...due July 16th

*Rob's 34th birthday
*Getting prepared for our trip to NY for the holidays
*Our Ny trip was a success and we are ready to ring in the New Year!!

Now for our bright future for 2010:

*Jack's 5th birthday
*Baby Girl or Boy will be arriving the end of June of 1st week in August
*Nolan's 2nd birthday
*Jack will begin full-day kindergarten in August
*Hopefully Rob's dream will soon payoff and we are thinking 2010 will be the year!!
*Hoping for many family visits from NY family members...start booking your flights NOW!!
*Christmas in NY by car!!!!!!!!!!

Well Happy New Year everyone and good luck to all your hopes and dreams coming true in 2010!!