Our Baby Boy #3- Arriving on July 2nd


Monday, February 23, 2009

"Oh What a Night!!"

I am finally ready to sit down and blog without having to worry about running to the bathroom from horrible nausea due to a great party on Saturday night. Lets back track a bit....
Saturday, we did a heck of a lot of running around with birthday parties to go to during the day, food to make for the night but I still had this energy in me because I knew it was bound to be a good night. It was going to be the first time since before I got pregnant with Nolan that I could actually DRINK and not worry about contaminating my baby with milk that would get him drunk too. I worked all week on getting a nice bottle pumped for Daddy to give him in the morning just in case I was still not feeling 100%. Well for anyone that knows me well, the party started at 7pm but we did not get there until 7:45pm, partly because The Rittlers held my husband ransom for the whole day to help them out meanwhile I am trying to bake, stir queso, take care of my 2 kids and shower and get ready. Anyway we got to the party and I got my drink on.
Talk about a great night!! Everyone was just enjoying chatting it up, drinking it up, and just having an awesome time. Some people were interegating others' about Facebook connections, others' were spilling drinks on the carpet (see pic with Amie laughing her ass off as my hubbie ruins her carpet), and even Lyla wanted to party!! Around 1:45am came around and it was time to go home. To say the least, I was a bit tipsy!! All day long I thought to myself, "How the heck did i do this all the time in college and then go play lacrosse the next day still drunk or with a hangover". I basically stayed in bed the majority of the day because I felt like "crap". I hugged the porcelin God quite a few times but by around 10pm last night, I started feeling close to normal. After a great sleep last night, I am excited to say, I feel terrific!!!
So as far as drinking anytime soon, the answer is NO, THANK YOU!! Great party, but a bit too much drinky, drinky!!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Nolan's 6 months

I cannot believe it... Nolan is already 6 months today and it is such a great, yet sad feeling. I feel like time goes by way too quickly when you have children. I remember him in my belly like it was yesterday, picking my mom up at the airport 2 days before he was born so she could be here for his birth, driving to the hospital with a permanent smile on my face knowing I was about to meet my 2nd little angel, seeing Jack look at his brother for the very first time, sitting alone in the hospital just staring at him for hours just amazed at how perfect he was, watching Rob look at his 2nd son with that look of instant love, driving home with the most priceless item in our backseat to introduce him to his new wonderful life with his family that loves him more than words can describe.
Happy 6 month birthday my angel!!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

I Realize....

Thanks to Juli's idea, which I loved, I am now writing a few things down myself that I realize.

1. I realize that I am so in love with my children that sometimes all I want to do to them is maul them with kisses and it is probably quite annoying to them.

2. I realize that my move to Texas was probably the best decision Rob and I made, but the hardest as well.

3. I realize that my fear of sickness and cancer takes up way too much of my life- (I do not think Jack in the hospital, Nolan's RSV and my MRI scare has helped the situation either.)

4. I realize that I am still head-over-heals in love with my hubbie, especially lately when he is working so much and I feel that emptiness without him around.

5. I realize that I need to teach Jack how to play on his own and not always play with him. Very hard for me to do thanks to mother's guilt!

6. I realize how much I miss my family and how excited I get when I know an upcoming trip is in the future.

7. I realize that we will probably never be rich in this lifetime.

8. I realize that I have amazing friends that I can truly trust.

9. I realize that the reason I am always late to everything is because I do stupid stuff like this, which is why I must go right now because I am running late to an appointment.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day

Today was such a nice day with Rob and the kids. Nolan woke up first to celebrate his 1st Valentine's Day. He just loved his new gift....toy keys. We are still surprised Jack woke up as late as he did, even though it was earlier than usual, but he has been anticipating his Valentine's gift since the night before. Last night we read a book about a little mouse that got a gift from her mommy and daddy because they loved her and she was their Valentine, which then made Jack realize, "hey, if you love me than I am probably getting a present tomorrow, right???" Well thank goodness I prepared myself and we purchased Jack a Darth Vader costume since Rob and he are Star War fanatics. Jack has been asking for his costume everyday for about week and was going to continue doing so until his birthday so we both thought for our own sanity we would get it now for Valentine's Day. What a hit it was!!! Jack almost passed out when he saw it and immediately got into uniform. Well what is Darth Vader without a Darth Vader lightsaber??? Daddy to the rescue....after we went for breakfast, off to Toys R Us to exchange his old Anakin lightsaber for a brand new Darth Vader saber. And of course, Jack was still in his costume during his outing with Daddy.

To say the least, he was quite a happy boy and Nolan is still loving his keys. I guess it is safe to say, Valentine's was a success.

I must say, I have the nicest, coziest, new Valentines pj's from Rob that are an incentive to never get dressed again.

Happy Valentine's Day everyone!!!!

Friday, February 6, 2009

Jack's Birthday Surprise!

I guess I could start off by saying I was pleasantly surprised when I received a phone call from my sister today asking which week would be a better week for her and my niece and nephews to come visit us here in Texas. Never did I think I would be getting that call since she has a handful of kids and herself and possibly her husband to have to buy airline tickets for and as you mus tknow, they are a freakin' rip-off. Well, she is planning on coming the 1st week in April which is only a week after Jack's 4th b-day, so I am planning on throwing Jack's party that weekend so his cousins will be there to help celebrate. Wait, the best part is, I think or I should say, I hope I can keep a secret from him and let them surprise him when they show up. Jack might just crap his pants!!!! He is obsessed with his cousins since he basically saw them everyday until we moved here and now that he is getting older, he realizes that we live quite a distance from them and he will not be able to see them for awhile. Everytime Jack gets upsets over anything, he somehow ties in that he misses his cousins.

Well, had to share my excitement!!!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Official Results of the MRI

Received a wonderful phone call that the official report of my MRI was perfect. Nothing fishy, thank goodness. Now I need to go for the MRV, which is an MRI of the veins and blood vessels.

Thanks for your prayers!!

Monday, February 2, 2009

The Bill Arrived

For the last month or so, I have been wondering just how much Jack's week stay and surgery cost my insurance company. Just curious....
Well it arrived and hold on to your shorts people..... $37, 407.25

We must of got a discount or something, wouldn't you say???