Our Baby Boy #3- Arriving on July 2nd


Tuesday, March 31, 2009

My Dads Visit!

On Saturday, my dad flew in from NY to spend some time with us and we are lovin' every minute of it. I must admit, he was quite excited to leave NY and arrive in nice, warm Texas, but it didn't really work out that way. Well anyway, Dad is lovin' his time here, yet freezing his ass off. Jack has been attached to Pop's side every minute of the day and will truly be devastated when tomorrow morning comes and Pop leaves us. Nolan is also lovin' Pop's attention. Even though he is going through his Mommy stage, he has no problem going to Pop and giving him those big smiles, enjoying Pop giving him a bath, etc.
Well Jack and Pop are at the Aviation Museum in Addison now (2nd plane museum since Pop got here) and I know Jack is in heaven spending time with his airplane buddy. For some reason, this departure will be extremely hard for Jack this time, which I believe is due to him getting older and understanding how far he is from NY. Yes, moving here was the best decision for our family, but it sure is hard to say goodbye to the people you love and miss most. Being close to my dad also doesn't make it any easier. I am and always will be "Daddy's Lil' Girl".

Monday, March 23, 2009

Happy 4th Birthday to My Sweet Angel, Jack Dylan!!

Here he is just 4 years ago...Jack Dylan born on 3/24/05 at 3:22am weighing 8lbs. 12ounces.
Our Precious Little Boy

Jack Dylan- 1 year old

Jack's 2 years old

Jack's 3 years old

Happy 4th Birthday, Angel

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Our 1st Family Bike Ride

Yesterday we went for our first family bike ride. Jack got a new bike for his birthday and we thought Nolan was ready to ride behind mommy. We had such a nice time!!

Our Vacation Memories

We had such a wonderful vacation and enjoyed every bit of the family time spent together. The boys just had the greatest time and so much so that we stayed an extra day.
Here are some of our favorite pics...

Saturday, March 14, 2009

San Antonio, Here We Come!!

We are off to San Antonio tomorrow for a much needed family vacation. We are only going until Tuesday, but I think we will truly enjoy every minute there. Rob has been busting his butt working at both school and then the restaurant on the weekend and I feel like we never get to spend time together as a couple or as a family as much as we would both like. We are staying at a hotel right on the Riverwalk so we hope to walk up and down that a few times, go to Sea World on Monday, The San Antonio Zoo on Tuesday and definately enjoy the Rainforest Cafe one night for dinner.
Can't wait to be able to update my blog with great pics of our li' family vacation!!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Jack's 1st T-Ball Game

Today was the start of Jack's T-Ball season and Rob and I might have been even more excited than Jack. Rob has been practicing baseball with Jack for quite awhile and could not wait to see if his coaching paid off. Well, it sure did!! Jack was slamming that ball and running the bases. After an hour, he sure was pooped but could not wait to go and get his special prize for being a good listener to the coach. If anyone knows me, they know I am quite a pain in the ass when it comes to sugar and unhealthy foods but my promise to him was to get him a Gatorade after the practice. Yes, I know you are probably thinking, maybe you should start with juice first before going straight to Gatorade but a promise is a promise.

Well, if anyone ever saw Alvin and the Chipmucks movie when Ian gives the chipmunks those tall iced lattes, well that was basically a replica of Jack after drinking a Gatorade. It was very amusing. Nolan was having the time of his life watching Jack bounce off the couches.

After today, I think the reward might be something a bit less intense than Gatorade, maybe Apple Juice instead.

Thursday, March 5, 2009


So I have this amazing website that I have been using to shop and I need to share. It is www.hoopladoopla.com and here are some details. They have a list of hundreds of stores including GAP, Children's place, TARGET, zappos, etc. and each store has a certain percentage that you get back. SO for example, I just ordered from TARGET and I got 5.6% cash back on my purchase. How it works is....after you place your order, the % back goes into your hoopladoopla account and then a check is sent or you can choose to put it into your Paypal account. I have been using this for about 1 month or so and loving it. Within the last month, I have gotten back almost $60 back in checks. Also, there are so many coupons as well when you order. It is amazing!!! Hope you enjoy!!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Jack's Dream Come True!!

For anyone that knows Jack, he had one true love in life that will always remain...his crib. Jack loved his crib from the moment we put him in it at 10 weeks old. He loved it so much that at 3 1/2 years old, we needed to intervene and break them apart. Jack is the furthest thing from a tiny boy, so picture Jack at 3 1/2 in a crib with no desire to even climb out. We knew that with the baby coming, we probably should do it before just in case it took a few nights of wakings, we would not be exhausted from dealing with the baby as well. After a few days of convincing, Jack agreed to take apart his crib and go into a big boy bed only if he got to use Daddy's tools to take it down. DEAL!!!!!!! Jack has been crib free for about 9 months now until the other day.....this is what I walked into and boy, was he happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Boy's Sitting!!!!!!!!!!

I cannot believe my lil pumpkin is sitting already. Is he a bit wobbly....yes, would I leave him unattented...no, but he is sitting up and loving his toys from a whole different angle.
Where does the time go??????????????