Our Baby Boy #3- Arriving on July 2nd


Friday, April 23, 2010

Things That Are On My Mind Lately...

So I haven't blogged in forever even though I said I was going to keep on top of it. Just seems like when I have some time to relax, I always get involved with something else and my blogging takes a back burner. I couldn't decide what I was going to write about today so I finally came up with just a bunch of things on my mind lately.

1. I can't believe that my pregnancy is almost over. About 9 wks. to go and Baby #3 will be arriving into our family.

2. Am I nervous...not about being a mom of 3 or about caring for a newborn but about other things like getting out of the house in a timely manner. I am quite a perfectionist so it takes me forever to get out of the house with 2 kids because I can't leave before my house is in perfect condition and the boys are all groomed, clothes ironed, hair perfect, etc. Throw a newborn into the mix...that could be quite a task.

3. Registered Jack for full-day kindergarten last week and I am not doing well in the least bit. The thought of him not being with me all day is so sad to me. He is my buddy, my pal. I can have full conversations with him, ask his opinion, he understands my sarcasm, etc. I just don't know where 5 yrs. have gone and it blows my mind how fast time flies. He is so excited though and is definately ready so I try to be excited too in front of him but it is breaking my heart.

4. Nolan is still my little active boy with quite the sense of humor. He is so much like me when I was a baby, it is scary. Not just looks, but personality too. He has no fear, he will do anything to get a laugh, rough and tough but is a cuddle bug and has such a good heart. My parents laugh when I tell them about my lil' monster because I got one just like me.

5. Rob has been so helpful lately even more than usual. He is working 2 jobs but still will wake up early with Nolie and let me sleep a little extra these days. He also helped me clean the house last week, which is usually an all-day task and let me tell you, it meant the world to me.

6. Taekwondo is Jack's new favorite obsession. He is loving it and so are we. He has built up such great self-confidence and determination to one day be a black belt. His listening skills and multi-step directions have improved drastically just in the last months because of it and I think it will be awesome for school next year.

7. The whole family living in NY and us being here is still really bothersome to myself as well as Jack. I am not sure when it is going to get easier or if it ever will. Jack seems more bothered with it now then before. He talks about them constantly and all his wishes he makes consists of going to NY or moving back to NY or surprise visits from the family, etc. As far as me, I am definately jealous that my parent's are always with my sister's children. They take them for sleepovers almost weekly, babysit them just to spend quality time with them and I know my Jack and Nolan would love that type of time with them too. We are planning a trip right after the baby is born to drive to NY so my family can spend time with them and get to meet the new baby.

8. Looking forward to my mom's visit for the arrival of the baby. When Nolie was born, she was there for his arrival and ended up having to stay longer than expected because she fell in our garage and wasn't allowed to fly. It was fabulous, well not the injury but the outcome. This time, I am planning on setting up some type of obstacle to try to cause some injury that will once again force her to remain here with us for just a wee-bit longer.

9. Soooooooo looking forward to Rob's school year coming to an end and us having time together as a family especially with the new addition in July. Hopefully we take full advantage of his time off and come up with a bunch a fun things to do this summer.

10. Jack is doing great this year in baseball. Last year his coach was a nice guy but I don't think he taught the kids one thing about baseball and Jack was bored out of his mind. He totally lost all interest in the sport. Whereas this year, he has a great coach and is learning so much about baseball. He is hitting the ball straight from a pitcher instead of a tee this year and is so proud of himself. I think he is also loving the idea that his Grandparents come and watch him play and we all make such a big deal out of it.

11. Last but not least, I am freaking out about being in the hospital for 4 days and how Nolan is going to deal with that. He is literally attached to my side and I have never been away from him for more than a few hours. I am so nervous that when he comes to visit his new brother and I at the hospital, it is going to be quite an issue when it is time for him to leave and he realizes I am staying. Jack was so much older when I had Nolan so he understood the whole need to recover in the hospital and that he could come visit when ever he wanted and there was no jealousy. We shall see how it all works out...

I would love to end by saying that I am going to keep this blog thing updated but I shouldn't make promises I probably won't keep. So until next time...