Our Baby Boy #3- Arriving on July 2nd


Thursday, November 27, 2008

What a Great Time of Year

This is always a great time of year, not only due to the wonderful holidays but using Santa to convince your children to behave is also a bonus. Yep, you guessed it, we are blackmailing Jack about a hundred times a day by threatening to call Santa and tell him everything. Now here comes the best part, one of my friends tells me about a website that you actually download your child's picture and Santa will basically threaten your child by saying that he is watching them very closely. Freaky..yes, but absolutely brillant! Well here I am at 10:30pm blogging because I am trying to keep myself busy until 11pm when I will be leaving to begin my holiday shopping for the Midnight Madness Sale. It gets worse, I am also continuing this shopping spree at 5am tomorrow as well. I am determined to get all my shopping complete in just 1 day. Can I do it, maybe after I load myself up with a few Starbucks Caramel Mocchiatos but I will let you know just how successful I truly was.

P.S. Happy Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Jack's Smile for Grandma and Pop

I asked Jack to give me his best smile so I can send it to Grandma and Pop and this is what I got!! Not exactly what I was thinking.

Isn't it Amazing???

Let me bring you back to about a week ago when I emailed my sister about my new blog.... About 15minutes later, the phone rings and on the other end is my sister saying, "You have way too much time on your hands and I think it is time to get yourself a job. Why do you think anyone wants to know what happens in your life from day to day".

Now let me fast forward a bit...
A few days later I get a phone call from that same person who told me that I have way too much time on my hands asking some inquistive questions about how to set up a blog. Funny, huh?? Well guess what, sissy is blogging now. Isn't it strange she has found the time to blog and let me tell you people, she even works 5 days a week so where do you think she is blogging from. This might explain the downward spiral of the stock market. She is a stock broker who is obviously avoiding the horrific turn the economy has taken and sitting at her desk wondering how much worse the stock market can get and blogging!!

Well anyway, I can guarantee it will be worth you reading her blogs because she is quite amusing, I must admit. Well I guess it helps that she has 3 kids under the age of 5 and all hell can brake loose at any time of the day at the Marone Household!!

Well sissy, Welcome to the Blog World!!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Typical Guy

Boy, do I need to vent! We decide to go to the mall this morning to get a few gifts that we needed for some upcoming birthdays. We of course were on a time constraint because naptime was near. It sort of went like this:
Nolan was starting to get really hungry and Jack was chanting "I want to go to the playground" over and over again. We headed to the play area at Stonebriar mall and I decided to nurse Nolan as Jack played. Keep in mind, Rob is with me at the mall. Suddenly, Jack comes running over to me saying, "I need to go poop and pee real bad". No problem right, Rob can take him quick while Nolan is still attached to me eating. Think again my friends, where is Rob??? I am scanning the whole area where we were and there is no sign of Rob anywhere. At the same time, Jack is saying, "Mommy, it is starting to come out". Here I am now walking frantically all around the mall by the playarea with Nolan dangling from me eating under the coverup and screaming Rob over and over again as Jack is turning red in the face because he is ready to explode. Well after about 10 minutes, Rob comes strolling out of one of the stores and here I am furious. Do you think maybe they could let you know that they are going somewhere?? I tell you, sometimes they do not think!!!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Proud of the Hubbie

Okay I am new at this whole blogging thing so I apologize for being excited and wanting to post again. Tonight we went to visit Rob at our friends restaurant, Fortuna Grill. He has decided to work there one night a week for a little extra cash for the holidays and some money to begin going on some family vacations. For those of you that do not know, we moved here from NY to escape the financial strain that living in NY puts on a family. We were living in a $400,000 house and paying a $4100 mortgage a month, which meant that we had no choice but to work not only our jobs as teachers, but side jobs as well to keep our heads up above water. When we moved here, we were in shock that we could live here and I could stay home and even have money to play with. I was sort of surprised that Rob had no hesitation to work another side job just to make our lives that much better when his friend offered him a shift at the restaurant. He is working for one of his closest friends, Mark, which I think Rob is enjoying helping him out as he begins his new career as owner of this Italian restaurant but still, he must be exhausted from working all day. Well anyway, we show up at the restaurant around 6pm and Jack was smiling from ear to ear when he saw his daddy there. He was so proud of him that he was working at Mark's restaurant. But what was priceless to me was to see how hard Rob was working after working a 8am-5pm teaching job that day. You could totally see that us being there was so important to him since he did not get to really see Jack the whole day since he literally ran in and changed to only have to leave again. Jack and Rob are inseperable. Don't you know, they are Jedi's! Well I needed to give props to my husband when he deserves it because there will probably be plenty of posts where I am bashing him instead!

By the way, you must try Fortuna Grill!! The food is the best Italian food around, the closest to NY Italian food that I have tasted since we moved to Texas. It is not expensive and it is close by. It is the perfect place for a night out with some friends or your other half.


Well everyone, as you can see I have a blog page after 3 nights of torture. How you wonder....Ms. Erin Dunkle!! After threatening her life if she did not give me some one-on-one tutoring, she gave in and told me to come by her house. Well you should of seen her go on that computer, you would of thought she invented blogging. She is importing different backgrounds for my blog, banners across the page, font colors...you name she did it. To top it off, I actually caught on and could not wait to get home and put the boys in for naptime so I could waste some more time on my blog. Talk about a bonus...I put both boys to sleep at 1:30pm and at 5pm, still no children awake. Some of you are probably cursing me right now because you cannot believe my 3 1/2 yr. old naps, let alone for this amount of time. I admit, I have been blessed with two children and a husband, who all love to sleep.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Nolan's 1st Laugh

Still Working on This Blog- Night #2

Okay bloggers, HELP!! After talking to some expert bloggers tonight at my Mom's Club event, I totally was psyched to come home and get to work on my blog page. After listening to some suggestions on how to set it all up, I thought I had it all locked up in my obviously small brain of mine. Well surprise, surprise....still confused and pissed off. I have no idea how to add other person's blog addresses because everytime I put in someone's blog address it tells me there is no URL attached. What the heck does that mean?? Here I truly believed that I was going to wake up tomorrow feeling a bit better about myself because I finally figured out what everyone else in the world is doing with no problem whatsoever. Looks like I need to try again tomorrow night!! Just when I thought I had friends that could help me, the bastards are not answering my calls or texts. THANKS FRIENDS!!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

What the Heck Do I Do??? Here I come BLOG WORLD!

Okay, here I am at 10:22pm starting up this blog and I am completely confused and I am on the first step. I have no idea how to navigate through this site and definately do not know how to tell anyone about my blog....do I email everyone, send a letter, call them, scream out my front door. HELP! Where is Amie when you need her??? Okay, I am determined to stay up until I understand everything I need to know about blogging. I can see it already, it will be another night like when I discovered FACEBOOK. I was just going to check it out and then 7 hours later, my ass was still in front of the computer having a high school reunion with a crap load of people I have not spoken to since we walked down the aisle at our HS graduation.

Well, maybe you will get to see this blog if I figure out how to notify you that I even have one. Wish me luck expert bloggers!