Our Baby Boy #3- Arriving on July 2nd


Thursday, February 19, 2009

Nolan's 6 months

I cannot believe it... Nolan is already 6 months today and it is such a great, yet sad feeling. I feel like time goes by way too quickly when you have children. I remember him in my belly like it was yesterday, picking my mom up at the airport 2 days before he was born so she could be here for his birth, driving to the hospital with a permanent smile on my face knowing I was about to meet my 2nd little angel, seeing Jack look at his brother for the very first time, sitting alone in the hospital just staring at him for hours just amazed at how perfect he was, watching Rob look at his 2nd son with that look of instant love, driving home with the most priceless item in our backseat to introduce him to his new wonderful life with his family that loves him more than words can describe.
Happy 6 month birthday my angel!!

1 comment:

mom said...

Happy Birthday Nolan!!!!!
We love you so much!
Grandma & Pop-Pop