Our Baby Boy #3- Arriving on July 2nd


Monday, February 23, 2009

"Oh What a Night!!"

I am finally ready to sit down and blog without having to worry about running to the bathroom from horrible nausea due to a great party on Saturday night. Lets back track a bit....
Saturday, we did a heck of a lot of running around with birthday parties to go to during the day, food to make for the night but I still had this energy in me because I knew it was bound to be a good night. It was going to be the first time since before I got pregnant with Nolan that I could actually DRINK and not worry about contaminating my baby with milk that would get him drunk too. I worked all week on getting a nice bottle pumped for Daddy to give him in the morning just in case I was still not feeling 100%. Well for anyone that knows me well, the party started at 7pm but we did not get there until 7:45pm, partly because The Rittlers held my husband ransom for the whole day to help them out meanwhile I am trying to bake, stir queso, take care of my 2 kids and shower and get ready. Anyway we got to the party and I got my drink on.
Talk about a great night!! Everyone was just enjoying chatting it up, drinking it up, and just having an awesome time. Some people were interegating others' about Facebook connections, others' were spilling drinks on the carpet (see pic with Amie laughing her ass off as my hubbie ruins her carpet), and even Lyla wanted to party!! Around 1:45am came around and it was time to go home. To say the least, I was a bit tipsy!! All day long I thought to myself, "How the heck did i do this all the time in college and then go play lacrosse the next day still drunk or with a hangover". I basically stayed in bed the majority of the day because I felt like "crap". I hugged the porcelin God quite a few times but by around 10pm last night, I started feeling close to normal. After a great sleep last night, I am excited to say, I feel terrific!!!
So as far as drinking anytime soon, the answer is NO, THANK YOU!! Great party, but a bit too much drinky, drinky!!


Haley said...

I'm still so sad we missed the party. We couldn't find a sitter. Hopefully we'll get to go out and party with you all at a later date. Just caught up on your blog. Sorry to hear about your headaches, but I'm glad the MRI turned out fine. Take care.

Amie said...

Dude, you better have that second picture framed as an 8x10 in your house next time I am there!

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