Our Baby Boy #3- Arriving on July 2nd


Saturday, March 14, 2009

San Antonio, Here We Come!!

We are off to San Antonio tomorrow for a much needed family vacation. We are only going until Tuesday, but I think we will truly enjoy every minute there. Rob has been busting his butt working at both school and then the restaurant on the weekend and I feel like we never get to spend time together as a couple or as a family as much as we would both like. We are staying at a hotel right on the Riverwalk so we hope to walk up and down that a few times, go to Sea World on Monday, The San Antonio Zoo on Tuesday and definately enjoy the Rainforest Cafe one night for dinner.
Can't wait to be able to update my blog with great pics of our li' family vacation!!


Amie said...

So excited for yall but BOO that you are going to be gone. What am I going to do for two weekday mornings without our coffee/therapy sessions?!?!

You better have your cell phone on!!!

Anonymous said...

HOW FUN!!!! The weather looks like it should be perfect for seaworld and the zoo! Can't wait to hear all about it!

BettencourtFamily said...

have fun! I LOVE sea world and hope you guys have a wonderful time!

mom said...

Have a good trip>>>I didn't know you were going on vacation. I hope
the boys have a good time/ I'm sure Jack will love the aquarium,

dad said...

SEE YOU SOON!!!!!!!!!!!!

Haley said...

hope you had a great trip!