Our Baby Boy #3- Arriving on July 2nd


Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Poor Nolan

Well Nolan's 103.8 fever the other night turned out to be a nasty double ear infection. How could that be when he barely complained. That's Nolan!! We are just blessed with a "happy kid". So yesterday the dr. put him on amoxicillin and said he should begin feeling better in about 36 hrs. and to be prepared for a possible "rough" night. Well for the first time, Nolan was not a happy camper at about 11:45pm last night. Went to sleep at 6:30pm without a peep and then woke up with a blood-curdling cry that lasted for about an hour and a half. It was heart-wrenching to see Poor Nolan like that. He was just in so much pain and to not be able to relieve it was the worst part. Finally after about 1hr and 1/2, he fell asleep in his bed and awake at 8am happy as our lil' Nolan always is.
Say a prayer tonight that our lil' guy feels better.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Babysitter Andy was a Success!

Here you have an awesome guy that just found out he landed a "sweet" new job position, where his wife can just plan out how she can spend his new income and what does he do to celebrate.....
watch all 4 kids while Amie and I go and get pampered. Well this time worked out a bit better for Andy. No one had any poop accidents, where Andy needed to empty out the entire bottle of baby soap in the tub to clean off the poop off my child, no water poured out of the ceiling, no ant infestations in my house. Everything was just perfect, except poor Andy was starving to death because his wife placed a pizza order with the Allen Rosati's Pizzeria instead of the McKinney one, which is why it took about 2 hours for it to arrived. Well in a way, it was better off because by the time Amie and I got home, it was still pretty warm. Just to show you how sweet Andy is, we walked in to him absolutely drenched so I just assumed maybe he jumped in the shower for a sec., not sure why he would do that but hey, you never know. He assured us that was not the case and he was just sweating his ass off in our house. If you have ever been to the Rittler's house, it is -20 degrees at all times, so I guess our house seems like an inferno but my point is, Andy did not want to turn on the AC because he did not know if we wanted it on for the season yet. Oh my God, are we that bad????? Damn it Andy, don't be so sweet.....turn the AC on before you die!! We love you guys!!!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

The Family Fun Has Come to an End

Late last Thursday night, my sister and her 2 children arrived from NY to surprise Jack for his birthday. Friday morning Jack woke up and my sister and the kids went outside and knocked on the door. Jack still half asleep, opened the door and basically was frozen in shock. He backed up and had an ear-to-ear grin on his face and said, "My birthday wish came true". Well from that point on until Tuesday, the cousins played all day into the late night and Jack was definately in heaven, especially after he had a difficult time when my father left. It was as if they were never apart. They felt so comfortable with one another that they even had no problem arguing with one another and ganging up together. To sum it all up, the kids had a great week and I so enjoyed my sister's company. It is crazy how fast 6 days can go but we cherished every moment of it. Nothing is better than waking up to my niece and nephew's voice upstairs waiting to come downstairs since they get up around 6am and us "Fitzgerald's" do not start waking until 8am. This was a time I will never forget and to see my Jackie Boy that excited is priceless!!