Our Baby Boy #3- Arriving on July 2nd


Thursday, September 24, 2009

Save the Best for Last...

When writing about my trip to NY in a recent blog entry, I purposely left out my brother-in-law because I wanted to save the best for last and give him his very own blog entry. Why you ask...he is that incredible!! My sister's husband Stephen is such a great guy. He can always make you see the brighter side of things, make you laugh by simply acting like a jack-ass, a real genuine person. I think back to when my sister met Stephen and how he changed her life instantly. He truly adores her and still after all their years together, he cannot keep his hands off of her, which could be why they have 3 children together. He works more hours than anyone could imagine just to give his family a great life. Even with all his hours at work, he still seems to have time to stop by my parent's house and mow their lawn so my father does not have to, give my dad a hand with things around the house, fix up his backyard so it looks like a country club, make many "unusual" things out of landfill treasures he finds while at work to decorate his own house, and of course, makes sure he has time to spend with his kiddos.

So as you can see, my sister is quite lucky to find such a great husband and father but then again, they are perfect for one another because she is such a great wife and mother.

This is a shout out to you, Steve!! You better get yourself to Texas soon or else the next blog will talk about how crappy a brother-in-law you are.

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