Our Baby Boy #3- Arriving on July 2nd


Friday, March 19, 2010

Where's Your Purse??

So the other day I decided to go take the boys to the park for about 1/2hr while dinner was in the oven. I headed down to good old Riverwalk park with the boys in the Power Wheels and Peanut. When we arrived we were quickly greeted by an adorable little black girl that basically jumped in front of Jack's moving vehicle and tried to highjack it and throw him out. I told her that we were just going to park it because we needed to save the battery power so we could get home. She really didn't love my reponse and tried to convince Jack that it was necessary for her to try it out. After she failed to get Jack to agree with her, she headed over to my 12 year old dog and began tugging the leash from my hand and telling me to just let go, she needed to take my dog somewhere. I explained very nicely to her that I had to hold her because she would run off and due to her age, she gets nervous. So....she moved onto my kid, Nolan. She told me to stop touching the swing because she wanted to push him but Nolan was not very friendly to say the least. He was lunging forward trying to hit her and screaming bloody murder for her to let go of his swing. The lady next to me was laughing her ass off because no matter what I told the girl to do, she would just move on to the next personal belonging I brought with me to the park. Well, finally she gave up on Nolie after he got her good and refused to stop swatting at her so she began talking and questioning me. Here is exactly how it went...
(Girl) Hey lady, do you know you have a baby in your belly?
(Me) Yes honey I do and it is going to be another little boy.
(Girl) Why, do you hate little girls??
(Me) No not at all, God just wanted us to have 3 boys.
(Girl) Where do you live??
(Me) I live right here in the neighborhood.
(Girl) Hmmm
GET READY for her next line...
(Girl) Lady, where is your purse??
(Me) What??
(Girl) I asked where your purse is??
(Me) At home, why do you ask??
(Girl) Just wondering and where did you say you lived. You should bring it next time.
Okay, this could be completely innocent but is it me or is this a strange thing for a little girl to ask out of nowhere?? Ladies, keep your purses away from little girls at Riverwalk. It could be a dangerous place.


jenleic2008 said...

Wow! Crazy. I will have to watch out for her. She must be a handful for her parents.

BettencourtFamily said...


rackersfamily said...

where was her mom???