Our Baby Boy #3- Arriving on July 2nd


Sunday, December 21, 2008

We Are Off to NY

We are off to NY tomorrow at 5am and we are all looking forward to this trip even more after this whole hospital thing with our Jack. I just cannot wait to get away and let my mind, body and soul get some rest. Being so strong for that week for Jack has really taken quite a toll on me. I am emotional weak and feel like I am breaking down everytime something is not perfect. Poor Jack the other day had a breakdown getting his haircut, then at Target, then came home and spit out his medicine and that was about all I could take. I ended up balling my eyes out from just sheer exhaustion. Jack is just so tired and cranky from the whole experience and from lack of sleep for about a week in the hospital and my patience is just so low right now. I feel like if we just get away and think about spending time with our family, hopefully we all come back rested and back to normal. I think Jack seeing his cousins again will cheer him up and maybe take his mind off of the horror he experienced last week.
We wish everyone a wonderful holiday and an awesome New Year filled with HEALTH and HAPPINESS!!


Tracy said...

So happy to hear that you are going home to spend time with your family. I know you need the rest and piece of mind that comes from being with your family. Hope you have a great trip!

Blonde Momma said...

We'll miss you. Give my love to all your NY peeps. See ya when you get back. Mu-ahhh!!!

BettencourtFamily said...

Nothing's better than your own momma! so glad you get to go home for the holidays. We will miss you!

BettencourtFamily said...

Nothing's better than your own momma! so glad you get to go home for the holidays. We will miss you!

mom said...

We miss you all!!!Happy New Year.
Starting blogging again!
