Our Baby Boy #3- Arriving on July 2nd


Saturday, January 31, 2009

My Late Night Delivery

So if you read my last post, you know one of the answers to these cluster headaches was getting a perscription for oxygen. No big deal, right??? Well last night around 8:30pm the delivery came and what I was expecting was a tad bit different than what arrived. I was expecting a small, green oxygen tank that we all think of when we hear oxygen. Something I could just throw in the corner of my room and not be reminded that I am using oxygen at 30 years old. (just is a bit depressing)
The man asks me, "Is Colleen Fitzgerald home" and I said "Yes" and he said, "Is she in bed?". I responded with "It's me, I'm Colleen Fitzgerald". He seemed quite surprised and look at me strange and said, "I will be back in about 10 minutes because it will take me awhile to fill the tanks". After he left, I am thinking, how long does it take to fill a small green tank for the amount that I need it, which is whenever these headaches pop up, which is maybe every other day.
About 10 minutes later, I hear the door open and hear something quite large being wheeled through my house. I turn around to see a 5ft monster size oxygen tank, one that you would see at a balloon warehouse to fill about a billion balloons being put in my room. I immediately said to the guy, "You have to be kidding me" and he said, "If you think this is bad, you probably don't realize this is the smaller of the TWO"!!! WHAT?????? "Yes Mam, that is why I was a bit surprised when you said you were Colleen Fitzgerald because with this type of prescription for oxygen, I just assumed you were bed-ridden and planning on being on this for 24 hours a day, 7 days a week".
So now, there are two massive oxygen tanks in my bedroom and it is supposed to be the answer to my problem. So if you come by or see me outside naked and my kids running around the street, then you should know, I am probably on an OXYGEN HIGH!! Hey, I need to make the best of it, right???

Friday, January 30, 2009

MRI seems to be fine!

The dr. called and said that he looked over the MRI himself and did not see anything such as a mass or tumor. The official results will not be in for a few days but just hearing the dr. say it looked good was enough relief for now.

Then the best medicine of all arrived....new UGGS in the mail!!!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Neurologist Tomorrow Morning

As most of you already know, I have been dealing with the most horrific headaches for about 4 weeks now and have been treated for a sinus infection by the general practioner, the Emergency Room and the Urgent Care and guess what people.....it is not a damn sinus infection. I am not a dr. but if this shit was a sinus infection, don't you think one of you medical professionals would have cured it with medication. As I said before, I am not a dr. nor do I have a degree in medicine but after hearing about and researching Cluster Headaches, I am leaning towards that as my diagnosis. The first article I read was titled, "Suicide Headaches" and if that is not the perfect description for what I have been dealing with then I do not know what is.

Well anyway, I am scared shitless about seeing a neurologist because it deals with the whole brain thing and I know they are going to put me thru plenty of tests and scans and that scares the shit out of me but to be honest, I am at the point where I feel like I am scared to death to leave me house or even go to sleep because when they hit, I can do nothing but crawl up in a ball and cry.

Please say a little prayer for me!! My appt. is at 10:30 in Dallas, so hopefully I will be writing a blog that is positive and maybe they might even find any answer and a solution to my issue.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

We Put Our Foot Down Tonight....Finally

Everyday I bitch and complain that I feel like a short order cook at dinner time because I make the main meal for Rob and I and then I make something special for Dear Jackie Boy, which ends up being one of the following: chicken nuggets, pasta, pizza bagels, cheese sticks, grilled cheese.

Isn't that quite a variety??? Well I made my typical comment to Rob about busting my ass making this lovely dinner and now I have to serve Jack something else. So Rob responds with, "Hun, you say that every damn night, do something about it". I then I responded with, "Aren't you a parent, can't you deal with this?" Rob goes off and tells Jack, "listen, the new rule is, whatever we eat, you eat or else you go to bed hungry".

Let me stop for a minute and tell you what we were making Jack try for tonight....Chili- hot spicy Chili. What a food to start with!! All I could think of was the amount of hot sauce I dumped into the pot and how maybe I should of not had Rob put his foot down tonight and maybe wait until tomorrow night.

Well people, the kid freakin' liked it!!!! I could not believe my eyes. He tried it and did not even throw himself on the floor saying his stomach was killing him.

I like this whole "Put your foot down thing". Why did I not try it years ago??? Nolan, watch out....you will be eating everything we eat. We will not make this mistake again, I promise!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Update on Nolan

Went back to the dr. today to recheck Nolan's RSV and to make sure the cough did not get worse or turn into a wheeze. Well, the good thing is it is still just a horrible cough and nothing worse but it still is so painful to hear my little boy cough so hard that it actually scares him. Basically, it needs to run its course and there is no meds to really give for it. I can use a nebulizer if I want but it will not really make that big of a difference because it is one of those things that just needs to work itself out of his system. The dr. says by Monday, the cough should be moderately better but can take up to 2 weeks to be gone.

I wish I could press the fast forward button and go about 2 weeks ahead and have my whole family back to the healthy family we once were. Where are you 2010 because so far 2009 sucks!!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The Drama Continues...

Just when we thought this year 09' would be a better and brighter one than the end of last year 08', we were wrong. This year is not off to a good start. We started the year off with Rob having a virus, then me coming down with a ridiculous sinus infection, which has sent me to the ER and Urgent Care a few times, Jack coming down with a nasty cough, which in turn, led to our newest situation...Nolan has RSV. Basically all it is is a nasty cold that a baby cannot handle well and it becomes this respiratory infection. The dr. believes Nolan's was caught in time and it will just be a bad cold, fever, mucus to deal with but should not turn into a hospital stay. He will need to go back to the dr. on Thursday to make sure he is not getting worse. My little angel is so sick but still somehow can put a smile on his little face.

To be continued...

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Oh What a Night!!!

What is better than a great friend, a facial, and a massage all in one night at one place...nothing!! The other night, Amie and I went to Valencia Day Spa and were treated like we were queens or like two people who thought they had lots of money. It all started off with a nice refreshment (VIB) and then an hour facial and 1/2 hr. massage and at home the shit was hitting the fan. Our husbands had the children at my house and in just 2 hours, you could only imagine how crazy things got. Here are a few of the things we were told that happened, so you can only imagined what really happened.............

1. The ceiling sprung a leak due to the toilet upstairs at the same time Sam had an accident in his pants.

2. Sam popped the lightsaber out into his face, which then caused a bloody nose.

3. The children refused to eat what was being served.

4. Nolan was still up at 8:30pm when his bedtime is 7pm.

5. Walked into Jack eating Pringles in the living room (which is a no-no in my house) at 9:15pm.

6. The house looked like a tornado touched down in it with crap all over the place.

Could you imagine if we left the men here for a few more hours....I might not have a home!!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Some Pics of Our Holiday in NY

Merry Christmas, everyone!! Well we are back from our trip to NY and we loved every day we were there. Jack was reunited with his Grandma, Pop, cousins, aunts, uncles, etc. Let me just say, he was in heaven. Boy, did he need this to cheer him up after the whole hospital nightmare. Everyday seemed like Christmas to him because he woke up to his family that he truly does miss when we are back home in Texas. The funniest thing is, when he saw his cousins, it was like he never left. They instantly just hugged each other and then ran off to play for hours and hours. And then poor Pop... Pop has shared his love of aviation with Jack over the years and now Jack has the obsession, which caused Pop to have to fly planes each and everyday around the house with Jack but he sure had fun. Then you had Grandma, who played hide-n-seek with Jack and chased him around kissing him all the time. Well as you can tell, Jack had the time of his life!!! And precious Nolan was perfect as always. I swear, this wonderful baby never makes a peep. Nolan got to meet his cousins and his Aunt Carrie and Uncle Stephen for the first time and they sure gave him plenty of loving.
And yes...Santa was good to the boys!!