Our Baby Boy #3- Arriving on July 2nd


Thursday, January 22, 2009

Update on Nolan

Went back to the dr. today to recheck Nolan's RSV and to make sure the cough did not get worse or turn into a wheeze. Well, the good thing is it is still just a horrible cough and nothing worse but it still is so painful to hear my little boy cough so hard that it actually scares him. Basically, it needs to run its course and there is no meds to really give for it. I can use a nebulizer if I want but it will not really make that big of a difference because it is one of those things that just needs to work itself out of his system. The dr. says by Monday, the cough should be moderately better but can take up to 2 weeks to be gone.

I wish I could press the fast forward button and go about 2 weeks ahead and have my whole family back to the healthy family we once were. Where are you 2010 because so far 2009 sucks!!


rackersfamily said...

We have a nebulizer if you would like to borrow it...

Kayla said...

I am with you on 2009 not off to a good start! I hope Nolan gets all better quickly. I hate for our little ones to be sick. If you need anything let me know!

Keeping Up With the Fitz's said...

Thanks Holly!! I might be calling you soon if he needs it. So far, so good, so I am hoping he will get better on his own.