Our Baby Boy #3- Arriving on July 2nd


Thursday, January 29, 2009

Neurologist Tomorrow Morning

As most of you already know, I have been dealing with the most horrific headaches for about 4 weeks now and have been treated for a sinus infection by the general practioner, the Emergency Room and the Urgent Care and guess what people.....it is not a damn sinus infection. I am not a dr. but if this shit was a sinus infection, don't you think one of you medical professionals would have cured it with medication. As I said before, I am not a dr. nor do I have a degree in medicine but after hearing about and researching Cluster Headaches, I am leaning towards that as my diagnosis. The first article I read was titled, "Suicide Headaches" and if that is not the perfect description for what I have been dealing with then I do not know what is.

Well anyway, I am scared shitless about seeing a neurologist because it deals with the whole brain thing and I know they are going to put me thru plenty of tests and scans and that scares the shit out of me but to be honest, I am at the point where I feel like I am scared to death to leave me house or even go to sleep because when they hit, I can do nothing but crawl up in a ball and cry.

Please say a little prayer for me!! My appt. is at 10:30 in Dallas, so hopefully I will be writing a blog that is positive and maybe they might even find any answer and a solution to my issue.


Vicki said...

Get off the internet and stop reading Web MD! Its just creating all kinds of worse case scenerios in your head. You are going to be find. I bet its migraines your getting. I would offer to watch the boys, but we are the sick ward over here. I'll be thinking of you, let me know how it goes.

jenleic2008 said...

I just heard about this out with the girls tonight. I am so sorry you are going through this. You all have had a rough couple of months. I hope you can get some answers soon and help you get back to a normal pain-free life.