Our Baby Boy #3- Arriving on July 2nd


Tuesday, March 31, 2009

My Dads Visit!

On Saturday, my dad flew in from NY to spend some time with us and we are lovin' every minute of it. I must admit, he was quite excited to leave NY and arrive in nice, warm Texas, but it didn't really work out that way. Well anyway, Dad is lovin' his time here, yet freezing his ass off. Jack has been attached to Pop's side every minute of the day and will truly be devastated when tomorrow morning comes and Pop leaves us. Nolan is also lovin' Pop's attention. Even though he is going through his Mommy stage, he has no problem going to Pop and giving him those big smiles, enjoying Pop giving him a bath, etc.
Well Jack and Pop are at the Aviation Museum in Addison now (2nd plane museum since Pop got here) and I know Jack is in heaven spending time with his airplane buddy. For some reason, this departure will be extremely hard for Jack this time, which I believe is due to him getting older and understanding how far he is from NY. Yes, moving here was the best decision for our family, but it sure is hard to say goodbye to the people you love and miss most. Being close to my dad also doesn't make it any easier. I am and always will be "Daddy's Lil' Girl".


rackersfamily said...

You and your dad look so much alike... ur both so cute!

Keeping Up With the Fitz's said...

Thanks!! Wait until you see my mom, we look even more alike.