Our Baby Boy #3- Arriving on July 2nd


Thursday, May 14, 2009

Say a Prayer

Today is a day that one of my truest, closet friends has been dreading and I only wish I could be there with her, holding her hand or just hugging her the way she was there for me when Jack was in the hospital. Unfortunately today, she needs to be strong and confident that her mother will be just fine during a small heart procedure. The relationship she has with her mother is almost identical to the one of have with my mother. It's the type that you cannot go more than an hour without call them or thinking about them. They are just the world to you and you could never imagine life without them.

Please just say a prayer that everything goes smoothly and this will soon come to an end and everyone will be home and happy.

Thinking of you!!

Monday, May 11, 2009

My Poor Nolan

So Nolan almost 9 months has only been sick 2 times, but when he gets it.....he gets it!! First sickness was the RSV that lasted over 2 weeks and then he gets this double ear infection that has taken 2 rounds of antibiotics to get better. Doesn't sound that bad, right???? Not until I tell you that this morning he wakes up and his face is covered in a red, blotchy hive like appearance and by the time 11:30 rolls around, his hands and feet are swollen and it hurts for him to even move his body. Went to the dr. at 12pm and it turns out that he has something called "EM", which is short for some medical term that basically is a skin irriation to a severe drug reaction from the meds he was on to fight off the double ear infection. It will take about 2-3 weeks for the hives to run its course and for the swelling and joint pain to completely subside.

IS this some kind of sick joke????? My heart is literally breaking when I look at my lil' baby in so much pain and looking like such a train wreck. After Jack's whole hospital ordeal, sickness is not something I deal well with because to be honest, I am just traumatized from Jack's simple cold that turned into a absess on his vertebrae and needed surgery.

Well the doctor said he should be quite miserable for a few days and to keep him out of the sun because it will irriate him even more. The big problem is what do I do with Jack??? I cannot keep a 4 year old in a house for a few days with nothing to do. I really feel bad for Jack because here he is energized and ready to go out and release some energy and now I can't go anywhere.

I always try to stay positive and thankful and think about how this isn't the end of the world and life can be so much worse, but damn, this sucks!!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Could This Be True???

As you know, I have worked for my neighbor's company for quite awhile now and once I had Nolan, I continued doing orders from home but unfortunately they were sparatic. I have been saying over and over again that I need to land a big corporate company that is in need of promotional products to really make consistent, decent money. I have been trying to think of part-time jobs to make a little extra money but not having to return to work full-time because the main reason I moved here was to be able to stay-at-home and raise my children.

Well....my prayers were answered. Thanks to a great friend and of course his wife, I have landed a huge corporate order that will be ordering tons of promotional products and as long as they are satisfied, this job can last anywhere up to 10 years or so. OMG!!!!!!!!!!!! I guess positive energy makes good things happen.

I can't wait to find out more details!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, May 1, 2009

Looking Forward to Church Day

Last Sunday, we started going to Hope Fellowship Church, which is quite a big step in our family's life. Both Rob and I were brought up Catholic but church wasn't an every Sunday type of thing. Religion and praying were always important when I was growing up but not by going to church. My family always prayed and we would always say our prayers together before bedtime and of course, holiday mass but that about sums it up. As far as Rob is concerned, he went to Catholic school growing up and did not have such great memories with the nuns, so it left a pretty bad taste in his mouth.
When we moved here to Texas, we were blown away by how important religion and church were to so many of our friends. Church as we remembered it was nothing like how our friends were describing it. So to get to the point, about a week ago, we decided to give it a try. We talked about faith and how we think we need to have this family time with each other and raise our children knowing how lucky we are to all be here and that we have so many angels watching over us. After Nolan's beautiful birth, Jack's hospital scare, Nolan's RSV, my headaches, we feel like this is where we should be right now in our lives, thanking God for everything he has done for us and watched over us when we needed him most.
We went on Sunday and truly enjoyed our time there. Boy are things different, great music, a pastor who we could totally relate to, so many people with open arms, the environment in general, set the mood for the whole day. We are really looking forward to this Sunday.