Our Baby Boy #3- Arriving on July 2nd


Friday, June 5, 2009

So Sorry It's Been So Long

My plan for this post is to just post some things that have been going on in The Fitzgerald's life. It seems like the days go by so quickly and by the time night comes, I am pooped.

Rob has gotten a new side job at Randy's Steakhouse because it sorta feel into his lap and offered a lot more money than working at his prior side job. It is a great opportunity since next week he will be done with school and will be home the whole week so he plans on working maybe 3 or 4 nights during the week to just get ahead of the game and be able to enjoy ourselves the whole summer knowing we have this "fun" money. But as far as this week and next week, he still has work and has been literally walking in the door and changing clothes and running out to be at the restaurant. It has been hard and exhausting for him and for me. I love being home with the boys and thank God everyday that I can stay home and raise them but it is definately exhausting without having Rob home until about 10:30pm. He is tired too from going from one job to the next but it is just for these 2 weeks until teaching is over. But besides exhaustion, he has been doing great there so far. His first night, he had one table that their tab was $90 and they tipped Rob $100. Could you imagine tipping someone $100 when the tab is less than that. The 2nd night was $95. Both nights were slow nights because they were a Wednesday and Thursday. We will see how tonight goes but it seems like this is going to be a nice, well-paying 2nd job.

Now onto Friends...I always knew that I had some great friends here in Texas but I have really noticed just what amazing friends they are. My 2 friends Amie and Amy are genuinely great people and it opens my eyes up to what true friendship is all about. I can honestly say I think I have become a better person because of my friends. I never once think about what I can or cannot tell them because I know that they will never judge me or repeat what I say. It is so strange that I can hang out with a friend every single day and look forward to the next day that we can hang out again. Wouldn't you think I would need a break, I don't, I love every minute I spend with these 2 people. We all feel like we can be 100% ourselves and say whatever and just hangout and have the greatest time. I never once hesitate to help out them because I know they would do the same thing for me if I needed it. I am so fortunate to have met these 2 people and I will never let them out of my life.

Lastly, on June 30th we will be going to NY until July 8th because I am going through family withdrawal and cannot wait until August when my parents come for Nolan's 1st b-day. I cannot wait until my family sees how big the boys have gotten, especially Nolan. It is so hard because Jack grew up with my parents, sister, brother, and nieces and nephew and as he gets older, it seems to bother him more than when we first moved. We lived so close to all of them so he saw them constantly so now he is more aware of how far we are from them. I will never regret my move here because it was the best thing for us but I will never say it isn't hard. It hurts a lot, sometimes more than others. Anyway on a positive note, I cannot wait to see them and I am counting the days until then. Chilling with my family poolside, listening to the kids run around and loving every minute together, waking up seeing my parents, listening to Jack play with my dad and his planes all day long, Jack and my mom singing Baby Loves Jazz, etc, etc, etc.

Well, I am going to try my best to keep up from this point on even if it is a few short lines.


mom said...

I can't wait to hug & kiss all of you. By the way your coming the 29th not the 30th.
I have found 3 new white wines, so you will have to wean Nollie off the breast a little sooner or he'll start looking like a grape.
Jack, Poppop got new planes(lots) he claims they are for you & Baby Stephen to play with but I really think its to make Grandma scream as she goes downstairs to do the wash & sees how the planes multiplied.
Jack, don't forget to bring your sunscreen because at the Commack Road Country Club your mom tends to drink & entertain like a NY socialite & your Nanny has to work so she can keep your POPPOP in toy planes..
I love & Miss you guys>>>>

Keeping Up With the Fitz's said...

I knew it was the 29th Mom, just making sure you remembered. I know you are sitting there with marker in hand, crossing out each day until my arrival.

As far as the wine is concerned, 3 bottles just will not be enough so you better work some overtime to be able to provide me with what I need when I am there. I didn't pay all that money to come there and not be treated like the princess that I truly am.

Oh and it's about time you got yourself a job and gave my dad a break from supporting your lazy bum and all your expensive habits.

Love you to pieces,
Your favorite child

mom said...

Unlike my lazy daughter who's husband has to work 2 jobs while you sit with wine in hand & blog all day I work an 9 hour day & only have an ocassional glass of wine.

Give Jackie boy & Nollie Cannollie a big kiss & hug for me!!!

rackersfamily said...

You crack me up...
I was wondering when you were going to post again!
Glad you found such great friends in Texas. I totally know what you mean about going home... there's nothing else like it. I LOVE IT!