Our Baby Boy #3- Arriving on July 2nd


Saturday, July 25, 2009

Almost 7 years ago....WOW!!

On Monday, it will be 7yrs. from when I married the love of my life. I remember this day like it was yesterday and how much planning went into making this day so perfect and it was, every bit of it. I can remember seeing Rob standing at the alter when I walked down the aisle and just knowing that he was the one and I could not wait to say, "my husband". Well 7 years later, I am still so proud to say "my husband". Not only do I still get that butterfly feeling when he walks through the door after being at work, but now I also get to see him as a dad. He is the most incredible dad and the boys are so in love with him. No matter what, he makes time to run around and play Jedi's with Jack or spend time with Nolan by rough housing with him and they both love their special time with their Daddy.

I just wish everyday I stepped back and realized just how lucky I am to be loved and in love with such an amazing man and incredible father to my children. Too many days go by that I forget to tell him how much I adore him and how proud I am of him for all his accomplishments because life is so busy.
We are so excited to be celebrating our 7th Anniversary on Monday and are looking forward to our night with just the 2 of us...hotel, dinner, etc. We plan on just enjoying our time together and I cannot wait to update my blog with the great details.

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