Our Baby Boy #3- Arriving on July 2nd


Monday, August 10, 2009

Weaning Has Begun

The time has come...Nolan will be 1 next week so I have begun the weaning process with breastfeeding. I cannot believe it has been a year already and I must say that I am proud of myself for nursing for a full year. With Jack, I did it until he was 7 1/2 months and then with working full-time, my supply was decreasing too much and it was becoming more frustrating than enjoyable and I did not want to ruin the enjoyment I had with it for those 7 months. I always said if it became more of a chore rather than special time between the baby and me than it would be a sign to give it up and switch to formula. Well, I loved this year of nursing Nolan and it helped that he was good from the start with breastfeeding. For a whole year, I only had a 3 hour window to be away from him so it is going to be quite strange to be able to be away for a day and not have to worry that he is waiting to be fed. Since last week, I starting mixing breastmilk and whole milk together for one feeding in a bottle and he has had no problem and then 2 days ago, I starting eliminating nursing in the am for another bottle and once again, he is doing great. It is a little hard though because so much of me loves that mommy/baby connection and seeing how content he is snuggled up against me but I always said I would not be that person who would nurse my child until he went into kindergarten. So now I am down to one time nursing only and I am going to work on that one this week, which means by his 1st birthday, he will be a big boy on whole milk. Well, the pump will be on its way back into the attic until the next Lil' Fitz arrives...Goodbye to milk straight from the tap!!


mom said...

You are such a good Mommy!!!Can't wait to see ya all.

rackersfamily said...

I know, it's tough... he'll get used to it... I think as mommies we are sometimes more attached. There is nothing like that bond that is created when nursing.
You were cracking me up with the comment you left about beauty pagents... um... NO! can't handle all that!
Hope you all are doing well... summer's almost over :(