Our Baby Boy #3- Arriving on July 2nd


Sunday, September 27, 2009


For the past few weeks, I have been really thinking a lot about vaccines and the safety and the necessity of them. There has been plenty of research on the news, facebook posts, etc. and I really haven't paid too much attention to it until this weekend. The only vaccine that I have really worried about in the past is the MMR. I have heard way too many stories from being a teacher for 7 yrs. as well as a family member who swear that their child was perfectly normal until they received the MMR shot and then suddenly the child showed signs of autism and not long after was diagnosed with it. After hearing these stories that sounded almost identical to one another, I decided to hold off giving Jack his MMR until he was full out speaking in sentences just to be 100% sure. Besides that, whatever the dr. tells me the boys need, I get. I just assume that they know what is best for my child better than I do when it comes to medical stuff because they went to medical school and I didn't.
Well after a long weekend with a lot of research and discussion with a good friend of mine from HS, who is a dr. himself, I am completely disgusted with what I read and heard about vaccinations and drs. The bottom line is many of these vaccinations that are given to our children are not necessary and contain the most horrific ingredients such as formaldehyde, mercury (link to autism), chick embryos, etc. Then why would they give them???? Because it is a huge money maker for pharmacetucal companies, drs., each time the vaccine is given. That is why the vaccines have increased tremendously over the last few years. When I was a child, chicken pox was a common thing during elementary school and no one died that I knew of from it and now there is vaccine for it, as well as the flu, rotovirus, hepatitis, etc, etc, etc. WHy suddenly are these once normal infections suddenly life-threatening according to our pediatricians. Trust me, up until today, I gave my children every vaccine that I was told they needed except the MMR but talk about a complete change in heart. The only reason I am writing this blog is because I wish I knew this info. earlier so I could have weighed the pros and cons prior to the vaccinations. The main thing I learned this weekend about vacciantions is if you choose to vaccinate, do not give more than one vaccine at a time. There has never been a study on the effects of vaccines when given all at one time. The levels are tested for the one immunization given but not when it is paired with other vaccines as well. Drs. are not usually fond of you when you say you do not want them all together and that you will come back every few weeks to get all the vaccines needed. I am going to put a few websites that I looked into if anyone is interested in looking into this whole vaccine debate.
Well hopefully this will open your eyes up to not trusting anyone but yourself when it comes to your children. My boys are my life and I will be damned if anyone is going to tell me what to do of there is even a 1% chance of harming them.

Some websites: (These are just a few.)


Doctor Admits Vaccine Is More Deadly Than Swine Flu Itself & Will Not Give It To His Kids
Source: www.youtube.com
Title speaks for itself. SAY NO TO THE VACCINE!

Flu Vaccine Exposed: Think Twice!
Source: www.youtube.com
Studies show that flu vaccines are unsafe and ineffective. This uncensored presentation by the Thinktwice Global Vaccine Institute (www.thinktwice.com) includes a visual depiction of flu vaccine production -- how the flu vaccine is made and what it contains! ...
Vaccinations can produce brain damage in children.

Russell Blaylock, M.D., a respected doctor and nutritionist, has some urgent health information that could dramatically affect your health and well-being. Please take a moment to read his information at


Tracy said...

Thanks for the info. This is something Chris and I have been researching lately as well so we can decide what to do with the baby. The informaiton is amazing and it is our jobs as parents to be as informed as possible.

Christine said...

I do the billing for a doctor in Virginia that specializes in ADHD, ADD, and Autism. She is a speaker internationally regarding Autism and delayed vaccinations. Here is her link. http://www.rimlandcenter.com/AdvocatesForChildren.php You will also find her vaccine "schedule". Just another avenue for education and information I thought I would share.