Our Baby Boy #3- Arriving on July 2nd


Saturday, January 16, 2010

Boy or Girl??? We shall see...

On Friday, the boys and I went to my OB appt. to listen to our little angel's heartbeat and check to make sure all was safe and sound. Well, the 1st 2 minutes, I was about ready to pass out when the dr. kept going up and down my lower belly trying to find the heartbeat. It is always so scary when you are newly pregnant because you do not feel the baby moving so you just assume all is good in there. This is why I love these appt. because I feel so much better after I hear that swish-swish sound of a healthy beating heart. So the heartbeat was at 155 and if you believe in Old Wives Tales, fast heartbeat=girl. Would I like a girl, sure but would I love another boy, no question about it. If my angel is healthy then sex really doesn't matter to me. Both my boy's heartbeats were in the 120's so I guess we shall see....

February 12th will be the day to see who will be joining our family...boy or girl???

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