Our Baby Boy #3- Arriving on July 2nd


Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Year in Review

So 2009 has come to an end and like every year, you have the good and the bad memories that come along with a 12 month span. Overall, we had a very nice year but at the end of it we were ready to start clean. Now we are looking forward to see what 2010 has in store for us. Here is a quick trip down memory lane for 2009...

*Wonderful Christmas vacation in NY and we sure needed some good family time and time to be thankful. Jack was finally released out of the hospital after a week 2 days before we left for this trip. Without a doubt, the scariest, most helpless time in our lives. Seeing your child lay in a hospital bed getting worse instead of better was something I would not wish on my worst enemy. Thank goodness all my angels up above were listening to my endless prayers to watch over my sweet boy and let him recover and be home soon in my arms where he belongs.

*Rang in the New Year in NY
*My brother came to visit us
*Nolan came down with RSV

*Jack's 4th birthday
*My father came to visit us, which puts Jack on Cloud 9 everytime Pop is around.

*Jack's birthday surprise...Aunt Carrie, Isabelle and Stephen came to be at Jack's bday party. One year later, he still talks about the morning he woke up and there was a knock at the door and when he opened it up, there were his favorite cousins in Texas. The problem is, he thinks that every year there will be a knock at the door by his bday and they will appear. HINT, HINT Aunt Carrie. No pressure but do you really want to disappoint your nephew on his 5th birthday.
*Our 1st Easter at our house with friends and Rob's family

*Our trip to NY- fabulous as always!!

*Our 7th Wedding Anniversary- wow...how time flies!!

*Grandma and Pop arrive to help celebrate Nolan's 1st bday, which was so nice having both sides of the family here. Aunt Ellen and Uncle Rich also flew in from NY for the 1st time.
*Nolan turns 1
*My surprise trip (my parents had no idea) back to NY to stay with my sister and watch her kiddos. Now that was fun being the nanny everyday for 5 kiddos and watching them play every second of the day together.

*My 31st birthday

*Peanut's 12th birthday
*Halloween- Jack was a Jedi and Nolan was a scarecrow
*Baby-making #3 begins and who knew...this would be the lucky time!!

*Found out Baby Fitz #3 is on his/her way...due July 16th

*Rob's 34th birthday
*Getting prepared for our trip to NY for the holidays
*Our Ny trip was a success and we are ready to ring in the New Year!!

Now for our bright future for 2010:

*Jack's 5th birthday
*Baby Girl or Boy will be arriving the end of June of 1st week in August
*Nolan's 2nd birthday
*Jack will begin full-day kindergarten in August
*Hopefully Rob's dream will soon payoff and we are thinking 2010 will be the year!!
*Hoping for many family visits from NY family members...start booking your flights NOW!!
*Christmas in NY by car!!!!!!!!!!

Well Happy New Year everyone and good luck to all your hopes and dreams coming true in 2010!!

1 comment:

mom said...

It's about time you updated it!!!
I Love You.