Our Baby Boy #3- Arriving on July 2nd


Wednesday, December 17, 2008


Sitting here now with my love in the hospital and he is beginning to act more like himself. He is smiling again, which we have not see since we got in here. Every dr. and nurse walks in and says, "Your smiling", which they are happy to see because it is an indication that he is feeling better. Jack's sense of humor is back as well. Due to all the antibiotics and fluids they are pumping him with, his gas is ridiculous and he has not taken a bowel movement in over a week. Well the reason I decided to share this with you is because last night we are all cuddled in the bed and he says, "Mommy, my fart smells awful". It was so precious...can you tell I have gone insane. He really has made a drastic recovery since the surgery. The dr. said she literally watched the color come back into his face the minute she began to drain the absess from his neck. He has not needed any pain meds since the ones given to him in the recovery room. He is also able to move his neck now more freely, but not perfect yet. This poor boy has been poked over and over because the stupid IV keeps collapsing his veins or slipping out. Last night I slept here with him because he refused to let me leave and it broke my hurt because throughout the nite, he would start crying in his sleep and was reliving some of the nightmare that has gone on in his life the last week. I think it will be quite awhile before he and we forget this whole ordeal. Something as simple as a normal cold caused this week stay in the hospital and horrible memories we can't ever forget.
The good thing is the nurses think he might be able to leave today even though the culture is not back until tomorrow because it seems he is clinically perfect. No fever, minimal pain in the neck and throat due to the incision and breathing tube, and happy again!! The Dr./surgeon should be in soon to tell us if this is a definate or not or if we need to wait one more day until we can leave. Being that he has been on IV drugs this whole time, they will try to switch him over to oral at some point to make sure he can tolerate it and then make the decision about leaving. I just cannot wait until Rob, I, Jack and Nolan are sitting together as a family again on our couch cuddled as close as possible without suffocating one another.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh - yay! I keep checking for anew posts about Jack. thanks for keeping us posted and I am so glad he's feeling better. Poor baby!