Our Baby Boy #3- Arriving on July 2nd


Sunday, December 14, 2008


Well here is an update...

Tomorrow morning they are planning on doing a CT scan to see how the absess is looking, as far as the size of it. If it looks like it shrunk drastically then they will keep him on the IV meds until it is nonexistent. If it does not look much different then they will operate tomorrow afternoon. Well, I was thinking he was doing a bit better but maybe I am wanting that so much that I am imagining he is getting better.

One of my favorite nurses here just came in and basically broke my heart and now I sit here crying next to Jack as his is slowly dosing off to his cartoons. I asked her what time the CT would be tomorrow so I can make sure both Rob and I are here for it and she said, "well if they still do it, then it will be real early". I was a bit confused so I questioned her because I thought they were definately going to do it but she said that it looks as if he is not really responded that great to the antibiotics and they might just skip the CT and operate instead. She feels that by now, he should be much more comfortable and capable of turning his neck and the swelling should be a lot less than what it still is. I am devastated to say the least. The thought of them wheeling him away on me and not being able to hold his hand might just be my breaking point. Where does the strength come from because I think I need to go get some more!


Haley said...

i will keep you all in my prayers. you can do this! sending extra mommy strength your way.

Tracy said...

I am praying for you and your family. You are an amazing woman who is surronded by caring friends and family. God will give you the strength to get you and little Jack through this.

Anonymous said...

Colleen, what an amazing testimony to God's strength you shared with everyone- you all are in God's care (the BEST care you can receive). We will keep praying for you, and we miss your sweet smiling faces.

Unknown said...

Our prayers and thoughts are with you guys!
Becky & Gene

mom said...

You & Rob's love for Jack will get you through this awful time.

All of ours & friends prays have got God's ears & He will make Jackie boy better real soon!!!

Jack has got everybodys love & in our hearts we know he will be fine.

Colleen, you & Rob are each others strenght. You both are amazing parents that adore their sons, this is a hard time for all of you but your love for each other will get you thru this.
Give Jackie boy the biggest hug & kiss from Pop & I, tell him we love him & can't wait to hug & kiss him next Monday!!!!!

Kayla said...

We are all praying for your little Jack. The worst time for me when Heather was in the hospital was at night when everything was quiet. Just know that you have the strength to get you through this because you are a Mom and God made us strong.

Blonde Momma said...

You're going to get through this. There is no question. You have been so strong for Jack, keep it going. Praying hard for you guys. We miss you.

Unknown said...

Colleen - To be honest, I can't imagine being in you position and reading what you wrote seem like I could have written it if I had ot be in your spot. It's tough to see your babies in pain of any kind... and to have to leave him to be with another one is a tough decision.

Anyway... My heart and thoughts are with you, Jack and the rest of your family. Whenever you think you've exhausted all teh strength you have, you will find more... not for you, but for your son.

Again, I am praying hard for your son for tomorrow morning (which happen to be my brother's 6-month scan so there is a ot of praying going on from me..).... I hope the next update is a happy one saying how he'll be coming home into your loving arms and into his cozy bed ASAP.

Vicki said...

I was so hoping those antibotics would do the trick. Sara has a cold, but if that doesn't bother you, I would be happy to help out with Nolan during the day Monday. We are up by 6:30 AM so just give us a ring. Hang in there kiddo, you gotta be strong for Jack. We are all thinking of you.

Anonymous said...

Hey Colleen-

You WILL get through this, but I know it doesn't make it any easier right now to see him going through this.

Sounds like you are staying strong in front of him. Good job - keep it up!