Our Baby Boy #3- Arriving on July 2nd


Monday, December 15, 2008


I am devastasted to even have the write this but I promised to keep everyone updated. After the CT this morning, the scan showed that the swelling did decrease from the IV antibiotics but the absess grew in size, which is why they are doing the surgery this afternoon. They are planning on making an incision through the inside of the throat and draining the absess that way, but do to the size and spot that the absess is, they are not sure if they can get at it completely so if they cannot, they will need to make an incision on the outside of the neck and go in that way. My baby will have a scare on his neck and they will not even stitch it up, instead they will let it close from the inside out. I ask for everyone to pray for my angel. This is absolutely ridiculous that we are going through this when we should be home getting ready for the holidays and our trip to NY with our new baby and our Jackie Boy.

There is a light at the end of this dark tunnel....they say if all goes well with the surgery, we will be home in 24-48hrs. And we can still go on our trip back to NY.

Once the surgery is over, I will give you the latest update on our brave boy.


Unknown said...

Colleen, I'm so sorry you guys are having to go through this right now. I wish for the best and hope you can stay strong for Jack. Our thoughts are with you.

rackersfamily said...

I sent you an email though meetup.com... don't know if you got it. I have some baggies for BM if you are still pumping and also some creme. Let me know if you would like either. Riley made some cookies for Jack... I can bring them all by today if you would like...
Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:6-7

Juli Evans said...

Colleen, I have been thinking about little Jack constantly since I heard about this. Even though having to stand back and watch as your baby undergoes surgery is beyond scary, it sounds like once it's over he will be on a quick road to recovery. Little ones heal and recover so much faster than adults and you will be surprised at how quickly he bounces back to his old self. We are praying for you guys, please keep us updated and let me know if there is anything I can do to help out.

Anonymous said...

Sweetie, I am praying for Jack and hoping he heals quickly and has a speedy recovery in Jesus' name. I prayed for him this morning and I having been praying all day.
I am also praying for you, sending you big hugs and love and support.