Our Baby Boy #3- Arriving on July 2nd


Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The Drama Continues...

Just when we thought this year 09' would be a better and brighter one than the end of last year 08', we were wrong. This year is not off to a good start. We started the year off with Rob having a virus, then me coming down with a ridiculous sinus infection, which has sent me to the ER and Urgent Care a few times, Jack coming down with a nasty cough, which in turn, led to our newest situation...Nolan has RSV. Basically all it is is a nasty cold that a baby cannot handle well and it becomes this respiratory infection. The dr. believes Nolan's was caught in time and it will just be a bad cold, fever, mucus to deal with but should not turn into a hospital stay. He will need to go back to the dr. on Thursday to make sure he is not getting worse. My little angel is so sick but still somehow can put a smile on his little face.

To be continued...


rackersfamily said...

Praying that your family gets well soon!

Juli Evans said...

Olivia is getting over the same thing...well, they never confirmed RSV but ruled out some other things. They put her on breathing treatments every 6 hours and I cannot tell you how quickly it seemed to work. she is back to her normal, happy self, even though we are still doing the treatments twice a day now.

Hopefully, Nolan with knock it out quickly as well.

BettencourtFamily said...

I am so sad for the sweet little guy....and you too! I will be praying for a quick recovery. If you need any help let me know.

mom said...


I know my little Nollie Canollie will be fine, a few days from now he'll be smiling & loving his pears!
Take care of yourself the boys need Mommy to be strong & I need my baby girl to be a happy camper again!

Love You so much!!!!

Vicki said...

You all just can catch a break. Hope Nolan bounce back quick. By the way which doctor did you take him to?

Amie said...

Yo. I hope things are better this morning and Nolie is feeling much better! Hopefully the monitor allowed you some rest and didn't go off and freak you out!

Andy dropped off the shopping cart cover on your front door...call me when you get up!