Our Baby Boy #3- Arriving on July 2nd


Saturday, January 31, 2009

My Late Night Delivery

So if you read my last post, you know one of the answers to these cluster headaches was getting a perscription for oxygen. No big deal, right??? Well last night around 8:30pm the delivery came and what I was expecting was a tad bit different than what arrived. I was expecting a small, green oxygen tank that we all think of when we hear oxygen. Something I could just throw in the corner of my room and not be reminded that I am using oxygen at 30 years old. (just is a bit depressing)
The man asks me, "Is Colleen Fitzgerald home" and I said "Yes" and he said, "Is she in bed?". I responded with "It's me, I'm Colleen Fitzgerald". He seemed quite surprised and look at me strange and said, "I will be back in about 10 minutes because it will take me awhile to fill the tanks". After he left, I am thinking, how long does it take to fill a small green tank for the amount that I need it, which is whenever these headaches pop up, which is maybe every other day.
About 10 minutes later, I hear the door open and hear something quite large being wheeled through my house. I turn around to see a 5ft monster size oxygen tank, one that you would see at a balloon warehouse to fill about a billion balloons being put in my room. I immediately said to the guy, "You have to be kidding me" and he said, "If you think this is bad, you probably don't realize this is the smaller of the TWO"!!! WHAT?????? "Yes Mam, that is why I was a bit surprised when you said you were Colleen Fitzgerald because with this type of prescription for oxygen, I just assumed you were bed-ridden and planning on being on this for 24 hours a day, 7 days a week".
So now, there are two massive oxygen tanks in my bedroom and it is supposed to be the answer to my problem. So if you come by or see me outside naked and my kids running around the street, then you should know, I am probably on an OXYGEN HIGH!! Hey, I need to make the best of it, right???


Vicki said...

Thay ridiculous. I would call the doctor and tell him what was delivered, the order had to be misread or written. I also remembered that they Oxygen concentrator machines (the size of humidifers. I would call and ask for one of those.

jenleic2008 said...

Oh fancy, you could have an oxygen bar party at your house. Weren't those things popular for a while? Seriously, I am glad that the preliminary MRI results are good. I know you must want some answers though!

Anonymous said...

Colleen, sorry you are having to go through all of this. I hope they can find out what is wrong and get you taken care of!!

BettencourtFamily said...

well, I guess we all know where to go for our oxygen fix! hope you get to feeling better soon and that you can get an answer to all of this.

Anonymous said...

oh my goodness! that is crazy! you see people all the time with the kind they can wheel around.
I hope it gives you some relief. I'm praying for you...hugs...

Carin said...

Hi, I'm Lori's cousin, Carin. Just wanted to warn you about those large oxygen cyclinders (actually any oxygen cyclinders). Make sure it's secured to a wall. If it falls over, not only could it crush a child, but if the regulator is knocked off it can turn into a torpedo. Seriously. I work in the medical field.