Our Baby Boy #3- Arriving on July 2nd


Friday, September 11, 2009

What's Been Going On....

Once again, I did not keep up with my promise to keep my blog up-to-date but life is just so busy. My plan for this blog entry is just to catch everyone up with whats been going on in our life.

1. Nolan turned 1. Can you believe it?? My baby is growing up way too quick, so when is it time for the next?? We have been in deep discussion about it because we think we would like 4 children and I do not want to be 40 still having kiddos so my time line might need to be adjusted. I just love being a mom and cannot see me ever done with having kids. I truly enjoy watching them grow, especially up with one another and knowing that my dream of finally being a stay-at-home mom has come true. Well, time will tell!!

2. My parents came from NY for Nolan's celebration and it was so nice having them here. My Jack is just so in love with them and is just a different person in front of my mom and dad than he is with anyone else. He has no boundaries and feels no embarrasement, which explains his circus acts or made up language with my mom. I love seeing the boys with them and it still hurts to know that my children cannot just go over to their house or them come here on a whim because of the distance. I know it has affected Jack even more now because he understands distance and knows it will be awhile before the next trip to NY. My main focus is to make sure the visits never stop because I would love for Nolan and our future children to grow up loving my parents the same way Jack does. Due to their constant efforts and ours, I do not think this will ever be a problem.

3. Our trip to NY to stay at my sister's house and watch her kiddos for the week was incredible. My parents had no idea we were coming being that they just left visiting us 4 days earlier. They came to my sister's house and were pleasantly surprised when we popped out. My sister's live-in nanny was away so I was the replacement for the week. That meant 5 kids and me!! It was tiring don't get me wrong but it was amazing. I spent such quality time with my niece and 2 nephews and Jack & Nolan got a huge dosage of cousin time. When we lived in NY I was only 5 minutes from my sister and we saw each other daily, have dinner together many nights and loving on my niece and nephew. When we moved, this was one of the most devastating parts of it. Knowing I could not see them all the time and watch them grow up still can make me tear up. The final day when I said goodbye to them was one I will never forget. Besides the kiddos, just being with my sister for a week was so nice. Even though she worked every day, before she left for work and after, just sitting with her chatting was why I truly love having a sister. My sister is quite an incredible person. She works full-time, has 3 kids and a step-daughter and just always seems cool, calm and relaxed. Nothing much gets her in a daze and I a lways admired her for that. She makes her home so calm and relaxing. Nothing is rushed.... I truly love my sister with all my heart and think she is quite an incredible wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend, etc.

4. Rob is back at work and I miss him!! We were so spoiled to have Rob home all summer and Jack and Nolan are missing him a whole lot. Every morning Jack wakes up and says, is Daddy home today?? I miss my best friend. How many more minutes until he gets home??? And Nolan, the minute Rob walks in the door, Nolan lights up and smiles ear-to-ear when he sees his daddy. He just loves his Daddy. Rob is doing incredible in his career. When we moved here, he was hired as just a 5th grade teacher and then the following year was asked to work for the Gifted and Talented program and now this year, he is the head of the program and has been offered many different opportunities. He was paid to write the curriculum for the district, asked to teach development courses to collegues in the district and is also speaking in a convention in Dec. in some other state for the McKinney ISD district. I knew he had it in him but was never given the chance to show what he had but one given the opportunity, he has run with it and has been beyond successful. I am amazed at what he has done in just 2 years since we moved and I just wish I could express it as much as I feel. Superiors to him ask him his opinion and I know it has to feel so good to him to see how far he has come but he is so humble.

5. Since I met Rob 13 years ago, he always spoke of something big happening in the future for us and he believed in himself. As the years have passed, Rob has always come up with ideas that were incredible and sounded so successful but nothing ever came of them. He has always had issues with procrastination and it has always held him back from his dreams of something BIG happening. After he has been so successful in this school district and teaching the Gifted Children, he decided to start pursuing his dreams of something BIG happening. Well we just found out about a week ago that Rob's idea might mean a totally different life for us. It is beyond our wildest dreams and only time and meetings will tell. The thought of this idea turning into what all involved think it will turn into is uncomprehendable to me but we are all excited and looking forward to the next step. I just cannot wait to be able to turn around and help everyone in our lives' that have helped us or our truest friends that we would love to turn around and thank them in a way we could never dream of.
Hopefully in my next blog I can share more about our possible dream coming true...

Now that I have spent the last hour catching up, I will once again promise that I will stay on top of my blog with even a few lines as a post, just something.

Oh and I forgot, I turned 31!! It was a great bday with friends and family and an awesome dinner with Rob and the kiddies. I am totally loving my life and could never imagine being any happier or more fortunate at this age.

1 comment:

rackersfamily said...

Can't wait to hear the news... glad you updated... was wondering how you were doing!