Our Baby Boy #3- Arriving on July 2nd


Thursday, January 1, 2009

Some Pics of Our Holiday in NY

Merry Christmas, everyone!! Well we are back from our trip to NY and we loved every day we were there. Jack was reunited with his Grandma, Pop, cousins, aunts, uncles, etc. Let me just say, he was in heaven. Boy, did he need this to cheer him up after the whole hospital nightmare. Everyday seemed like Christmas to him because he woke up to his family that he truly does miss when we are back home in Texas. The funniest thing is, when he saw his cousins, it was like he never left. They instantly just hugged each other and then ran off to play for hours and hours. And then poor Pop... Pop has shared his love of aviation with Jack over the years and now Jack has the obsession, which caused Pop to have to fly planes each and everyday around the house with Jack but he sure had fun. Then you had Grandma, who played hide-n-seek with Jack and chased him around kissing him all the time. Well as you can tell, Jack had the time of his life!!! And precious Nolan was perfect as always. I swear, this wonderful baby never makes a peep. Nolan got to meet his cousins and his Aunt Carrie and Uncle Stephen for the first time and they sure gave him plenty of loving.
And yes...Santa was good to the boys!!


mom said...

take that picture out I look like a line-backer for the Giants. We miss you guys so much, Jack, did I win last night? If no; I'll win today! Nolan congratulations on your first roll. Do you still suck your thumb? Your big brother starting sucking his thumb at our house too.
Plan for a summer vacation now!!!!

I love you!


rackersfamily said...

Looks like you guys had a great trip. There's nothing like going home to rejuvinate!

Unknown said...

TO bad you guys didn't have time to get together with the Fitzgerald side... it would've been great to get the kids together... well maybe next time